Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Today my guest is author Kelly Moran - and she's going to give away a copy of one of her books to one of our readers. Kelly agreed to a short interview, so let's get to that and chat with this talented lady!

Kelly, How long have you been writing?

I've been making up stories since before I could write, but for actual writing, I started at ten or eleven with poetry and short stories.

How long have you been a published author?

My first contract came in 2005 for a poetry and short stories collection called AN IMSOMNIAC'S DREAM.

What titles do you have available?


Do you have any new titles coming soon?

I have a romance due out on March 25th called SUMMER'S ROAD. I'll give away a FREE eBook copy at the end of this post to one commenter!!!

"Summer's Road is a compelling story about the long road to finding true love." ~New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Caridad Pineiro (Quote from cover.)

BLURB: After her father’s death, Summer Quinn realizes just how alone she feels in the world. With no family to fill her life now, she finds comfort among friends, but yearns for true love, contentment, and family. When her boyfriend, Matt, suggests they raise their relationship to a higher level, Summer jumps at the chance to get everything she’s always wanted. Only, she doesn’t expect the heat arising between her and her best friend, Ian – a man who never seems to settle down. A man the complete opposite of what she’s looking for. But when her estranged mother reappears after twenty-eight years, Summer’s world completely flips upside down. As secrets from her family’s past and Ian’s true feelings for her emerge, Summer’s now faced with choices she’s not sure she can make. The rest of her life’s happiness hinges on Summer confronting a past she’d rather deny and legitimately opening her heart to love, even if it’s not where she expected to find it.

What is your favourite genre and why?

Though I began writing with poetry and short stories, I quickly learned in adolescence that romance was my true calling, and after having kids, that children's was a gift. I plan to focus my career on romance and children's books from now on. I love both those genres for the same reasons really--the happily ever after, the possibilities, and the lessons that can be learned.

What, to you, is the most exciting part of the writing process?

I find the plot ideas and characters in my head finally being heard on paper the most rewarding, (I suppose they do too, LOL). The most exciting part is finishing and getting to the edits.

If you could co-author a book with anyone, who would you choose and why?

Ah, a loaded question. Though dead, I'd love to co-write a kids book with Dr. Seuss. For romance, that's a tough call-- probably Nicholas Sparks or Carla Neggers.

Where can readers find you on the web?

If interested, you can find trailers, reviews, my books, and more on my Website at:, or my Blog at I'm also on Facebook at, Myspace at, Goodreads at, and Twitter at

Feel free to include your latest release/promo, and any additional info you might like included! Thanks so much for being my guest.

I attached the cover pic, Denyse. Thanks so much for having me!


  1. Thanks so much, Denyse, for having me by. It's an honor!

    I just want to mention that commenters interested do NOT need an E-Reader to qualify for the win. The book will be emailed in a PDF and you can read it right on your computer.

    And if you don't win, feel free to pop by the other blogs in the tour this month for another chance, or pick up a copy on the 25th wherever books are sold!


  2. Hi Kelly - I didn't realize you were so multi-talented! Your new books sounds great. Congratulations on your release.

  3. Dear Kelly, I would like to wish you luck, but do not think that is necessary with talent such as you have. I find it inspiring when you mentioned you prefer romance and children’s books loving the happily ever after. Life can have so many ups and downs that we need to believe there is happy in our future. I think all of your writing would be so special and cannot wait to read more. I wish for you all the happily ever after in all that you do. Thank you for sharing with us.

  4. Dear Kelly, I would wish you luck but think you don’t need it with your kind of talent and determination. I love the way you said you prefer romance and children’s books because of the happily ever after. I think there are so many ups and downs in life we have to be able to believe there is happiness ahead and hope. I wish you ever success. You go girl…congratulations.

  5. @ Alison--I don't know if it's talent so much as a mind that never stops, but thank you so very much!

    @Linda-- That was a very nice thing to say and for me to hear. You made my day.


  6. Hi Kelly!

    Wow you write in a wide range of genres! : )

    I love the blurb for SUMMER'S ROAD.

    Good luck and many, many sales.

  7. @Lynne-- yeah, my mind doesn't shut down very often, ergo my muses. Thanks for the well wishes!


  8. I think it's great that you write in such a broad range of genres. Your dream co-author of Dr. Seuss is the best though. Best wishes for the upcoming release of Summer's Road.

  9. @Candace-- yeah, I though it would be not only hilarious but a great learning experience. The man was brilliant. Thanks for the comment.


  10. Kelly is a great romance novel writer and the characters are quite believable. She brings them to life in such a way you get the impression you may have met them.

  11. And the winner is... Linda! Grats, Linda, you'll get an email soon.

    I want to sincerely thank Denyse again for having me.

    Thanks, everyone!


  12. Kelly - THANK YOU so very much for being my guest! I wish you a million sales and MUCH continued success!! You are welcome back anytime, I'm sure the readers here would love to hear about your other books, too!

    Linda, congratulations. I was supposed to announce this earlier, but got caught in the promo frenzy with my debut book from Ellora's Cave, so I will make a proper post in a moment!

    Thanks again, Kelly!

    Hugs to all,

  13. I know I missed out on the free book but I've already read it. I enjoyed the interview and the idea of getting the character's on paper being an exciting part of writing.

    Love the question about co-writing a book, too.

    If you didn't win this book is still a must read!!


Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.