Wednesday, July 09, 2008

FREE eBooks!

Double Trouble Hits the Streets,
Walls and Computers Near You!

Our very own Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine start their road to galactic stardom today (or, at least a little bit of fandom :))

Available for your reading pleasure, we offer up two complete PDF Ebooks! F*R*E*E! OF C*H*A*R*G*E!

A Billibub Baddings Mystery: The Case of the Pitcher's Pendant, by Tee Morris - The second Billibub Baddings Mystery (the first was The Case of the Singing Sword)

Digital Magic, by Philippa Ballantine (a follow up to Chasing the Bard)

Please download a copy of the PDF's, but more importantly, we ask that you TALK about them, and link to them from our server location, and give them away on your blog, your podcasts, your newsgroups, your social networking pages... anything you can think of. If you're especially creative about it, tell me about it on my Facebook page... random winners will win print copies of the book.

Our goal is to spread the word, and make a few author dreams come true on 08-08-08 - where we ask that if you enjoy the books, or, well, really, even if you don't, you'll pick up a copy or six, or twenty... or you get the idea!... from (the links to order are in the ebooks). We'd like to have Tee and Pip hit the bestseller list, and we're asking for your help. But please! DON'T order your copy until 08-08-08. Thank you for your help... we appreciate it!

For updates, please feel free to subscribe to my blog.

Yours truly,
Gwen, Dragon Moon Press

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting your audience know about our Double Trouble promotion. Feel free to visit our respective blogs ( for Billi Baddings and for Digital Magic) and download desktops and (coming soon) avatars. We hpe to see you on 08.08.08 on Amazon!


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