Saturday, March 31, 2007

It's official! August 2007

For Immediate Release

3-Day Novel Contest winner, Timothy J. Anderson says that Science Fiction Authors Deserve More Credit.

[Calgary, AB, March 31, 2007]

Timothy J. Anderson, author of Resisting Adonis, is the winner of the 2007 Book Television Three-Day Novel reality TV series.

In an email interview conducted earlier this week, Mr. Anderson revealed his thoughts on how it felt to win...

"Well, mixed. There were two science fiction manuscripts in the competition, and I am sorry to say mine wasn't one of them. Good science fiction is hard to write. SF writers don't get enough credit for how hard they work to make SF live on the edge. I knew I couldn't do a good enough job of SF in 3 days."

"I'm thrilled to have won, but I also have a great deal of respect for the work other writers turned in."

"One of the prizes is a writing retreat at the Banff Centre courtesy of the Writers Guild of Alberta. The Centre is where I wrote the first draft of "Resisting Adonis" ... It will be a joy to return to the scene of those crimes and spend a week working on a project."

To view a short video interview with T. J. Anderson please click here

Janice Shoults, Marketing Director
Box 1714, Calgary, AB
T2P 2L7, Canada403-254-0160(voice)
403-254-0456 (fax)EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing now includes Tesseract Books

2007 Releases (USA):

Hydrogen Steel by K. A. Bedford (March 2007)
i-Robot Poetry by Jason Christie by Jason Christie (April 2007)
Tesseracts Ten edited by Edo van Belkom and Robert Charles Wilson (May 2007)
Righteous Anger by Lynda Williams (June 2007)
AS FATE DECREES by Denysé Bridger (August 2007)
Petrified World by Piotr Brnyczka (September 2007)
Keeper's Child by Leslie Davis (September 2007)
Darkness of the God by Amber Hayward (October 2007)
Tesseracts Eleven ed. by Cory Doctorow & Holly Phillips (November 2007)

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