Monday, September 25, 2006

*NEW* Book excerpts

Okay, I finally got organized and have added lengthy excerpts to my newsgroup for all the books currently with Liquid Silver Books, the two that are currently available, and those that are coming soon. At least a couple of them, anyway... There are LOTS of titles in the coming soon queue, and I am slowly getting to them, honestly!!

If anyone wants me to add excerpts like these for the Amber Quill Press titles, let me know via the newsgroup, or leave a comment to that effect, and I'll see about getting them ready and posted, okay?

Also, don't forget the monthly FREE eBook contest, it's still running, so if there's something you'd like to win, drop by the website, make a selection from the BOOKS page, and send me an email with your choice. It's that simple. The winner is announced at the first of each month on the newsgroup and the blog.


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