Friday, November 09, 2012

Nancy Northcott's RENEGADE


Northcott Brings Romance, Suspense and the Paranormal to RENEGADE, the
First Book in her The Protectors Series

RENEGADE by Nancy Northcott
A Forever Yours E-book Original/ On Sale 11-5-12/$2.99/1-4555-2665-7, 978-1-455-2655-9

"Clever world building at a breathless pace...gripping."-New York Times bestselling author Dianna Love

"Darkly compelling...thrilling paranormal suspense."-New York Times bestselling author Patricia Rice

"Nonstop action...smooth prose, gripping emotion and dynamic characterization."
-Gerri Russell, Award-winning Author of A Knight to Desire

"A new writer to watch...I loved Renegade, and you will, too."
- New York Times bestselling author A.C. Crispin

RENEGADE, the first novel in three time Golden Heart Award Finalist Nancy Northcott’s The Protectors series, introduces one of Collegium council’s top sheriffs, Valeria Banning, the mage council's sheriff for the southeastern United States. Valeria doesn't just take her job seriously, she takes it personally. So when Griffin Dare, a notorious fugitive sworn to protect innocent Mundanes and mages from dark magic, risks his life to save her, she has to wonder why. To find the answer, she'll put everything on the line, starting with her heart.

Before Valeria can recover from the attack that almost killed her, evil forces are moving against them. Soon,  they're fighting side by side. What they are doing is forbidden, and when the council discovers they are working together, Valeria and Griffin  must run for their lives, and not just from the law.  Danger threatens at every turn  as they try to prevent the advent of a ghoul takeover, and struggle to find the traitor they believe is betraying the Collegium and working with ghouls to send unsuspecting mages to their death.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nancy Northcott has been a lover of comic books, science fiction, fantasy and romance since childhood.  An attorney, she left that profession to teach at the college level and to write. Now, she combines her passion for romance and high stakes in RENEGADE, her first published novel and the first book in her contemporary mage series.   She continues her story in GUARDIAN, which will be published in May 2013.

Nancy lives with her family in North Carolina. 

Excerpted from Nancy Northcott's RENEGADE, Book 1 in the Protector Series

                 Fire seared Val's eyes. With a gasp, she jerked upright, trying to open them.  Pain flashed through her body. She choked down a cry and fell back.
             At least she landed on pillows and a soft mattress. Definitely not ghoul hospitality.
             "Easy," a man's deep voice said at her side. A callused hand closed gently over her clenched fist. Mage power resonated in the touch. Like sunlight in her blood, strengthening power flowed from him. "You're safe now."
             Truth also vibrated in his touch. Along with...worry? Regret?  Before she could probe, his hand withdrew. She couldn't sense anything now.  He'd locked down his power and his emotions. She forced herself to relax.
             Her eyes wouldn't open. She raised a hand to her face and gasped at biting pain in her shoulder. Her fingers touched linen. Bandages. The air smelled of lemon verbena and lavender, healing scents. Homey ones, with a hint of bay leaf for protection? on the pillowcase. Not hospital smells. A droning noise and a stream of cold air hinted at a window air conditioner.
             "Venom in your eyes," the man said. "Sorry I can't heal them fully, but at least there's no organic damage."
             His deep voice gave her a tingly sensation, like velvet drifting over her skin, and warmed her inexplicably. She pushed herself up to sit.  The movement hurt pretty much everywhere, but she felt at a disadvantage lying down.
             He banked pillows behind her. Awareness of him, pleasant and also somehow familiar, prickled over her skin.
             "I'm Kyle Connor," he added. "You're at my home near the swamp."
             "Valeria Banning." She offered her right hand. He took it in a warm, firm grip but released it too soon for her to probe. Yet the vibes of his magic felt familiar. "Have we met before?"
             "We had a couple of reeve training classes together before I chose a different career. Do you remember the fight?"
             Ghouls. A tall, brave mage, who looked, who fought, like...but Griffin Dare had no reason to help her and every reason to let her die. With the damage to her eyes, she hadn't seen the man clearly. Maybe Connor only resembled Dare, with the same height, lean, broad-shouldered build, and jet-black hair. "I assume you rescued me. Thank you, so very much."
             Yet cold fingers of unease pinched her throat. Though her vision had been blurred from the injury, she'd seen that the man fought with a quarterstaff, an antiquated weapon almost no one used. In the Southeast, where people spoke with his accent, only Griffin Dare wielded one. She had best tread carefully.

Copyright © 2012 by Nancy Northcott

A Forever Yours E-book Original/ On Sale 11-5-12/$2.99/1-4555-2665-7, 978-1-455-2655-9

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