Today, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Romance Author BRITA ADDAMS. We did a brief interview, and I think you'll agree, she's a charming and fun guest! So, meet this talented author and hear about her work....
Denysé: From what I see on your website, you write some very cool and naughty books! ;) Why have you chosen the erotic genre?
Brita: It is simple to answer – sex sells. I wish there was a better answer, but that is it. I enjoy reading erotic romance and I know others do as well. Therefore, I write what people want.
Denysé: A lot of writers take a “seat of their pants” approach to writing, is that the way you approach it, or do you keep the story in your head and write it?
Brita: I develop the beginning of the story completely and have a general idea where the story will go. However, I don't outline but take notes. I have a full main character listing and add as characters appear. I have a full description of the main characters, including their hair and eye color, disposition, and basically what makes them tick.
Denysé: Do your characters dictate plot twists that you just run with, or do you keep them in line?
Brita: They definitely dictate plot twists. I have actually sat down to write one thing and find myself taking the story in a different direction because the characters have decided to take a detour. Truly, I think it makes for a better story.
Denysé: What styles of books do you most enjoy writing?
Brita: Of course, I love a book with a happy ending, whether I am reading or writing. I love historical romance, particularly Regency.
Denysé: If were attempting to "sell" yourself to a new reader, what would you tell them about your work, and why they might enjoy it?
Brita: A reader should know that I write stories with characters who find themselves going about finding love sometimes in rather circuitous routes. My stories are about characters as real as I can make them, with feelings and actions people can identify with. Of course there are things they do that are extraordinary, and that is what gives readers the feeling that they are living in another world.
Brita Addams writes erotic Regency romance, with raucous sex and feisty characters. I use my real name, Tina Ordone when I write sensual but what would be considered more traditional Regencies.
Denysé: In an ideal world, how much time would you devote to your writing, as opposed to how much time you realistically have to devote to it around “real-life” and its demands?
Brita: I am very fortunate to be able to devote as much time as I want to writing. My husband and I are retired and our children are grown, so we have no dictates on our time in that regard. It is an ideal time in my life to write.
Denysé: Which do you prefer, erotic or non-erotic, as a reader, and as an author?
Brita: My preferences vary. I confess, as a reader, I enjoy a solid story with sex woven in. I like erotic or sensual equally as well. As a writer, I like a story with sex that fits the story. For instance, Serenity's Dream takes place at the Sapphire Club, a sex club owned by the hero, Lucien Damrill. The erotic sex that takes place at the club is varied, as dictated by the story.
Denysé: Do you ever push the envelope solely to test yourself, then edit it out of your final draft, or do you challenge your readers to keep up with you?
Brita: I can't say that I have ever done that, but I have certainly written things that I said later, "No I can't put that in there." Never purposely though.
Denysé: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment thus far as an author, and what is the thing you want most to achieve in future?
Brita: I think my greatest accomplishment as an author is simply to finish writing my first book, which was not Serenity's Dream. I write a novel called, She Wouldn't Be Denied, which is a 120,000 word manuscript that I simply love. Due to its length, it has never seen the light of day. However, since then, I have finished seven novels, four of which have been accepted by Noble Romance. That is quite an accomplishment I'd say.
The thing I most want in the future is to be a respected author of erotic and non-erotic books that readers enjoy reading. When I see my books being recommended by people who have already them, I will feel very good about my craft.
Thanks, Brita, for being my guest today and telling us more about your books, and your experience as a writer.
Brita: Thank you Denyse. I appreciate being your guest. I love hearing from readers and I can be found in various places:
My book Serenity's Dream can be found at:
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