Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy Birthday, Stuart!

Today Stuart Townsend is 34 years old. As most of you know, I have adored this talented, sexy young Irishman from pretty much the moment I first saw him. He's inspired characters in several of my books, and I am currently writing a fan novel based on the role that I love him in more than any of the others he's done. So, if you'd like to join me in wishing Stuart a wonderful, happy birthday, leave a comment or a message. I'm planning to send all the greetings to the webmaster of his fansite tomorrow so they can be sent on to him. If you'd like to visit his wonderful site, it can be accessed from here, or directly from my website!

Stuart Townsend Fansite


  1. Happy Birthday, Stuart! Hope you have a fantastic day surrounded by your loved ones and that all your wishes come true.

  2. Happy Birthday Stuart! Hope you have a good one.

  3. BARBARA said...

    Joyous Brithday greetings to you, Stuart! May the coming year be filled with love, family, achievement and blessings!


  4. Happy Birthday, Stuart! Hope you are having a wonderful day. All the very best to you.


  5. Happy Birthday Stuart. Hope it was a great day for you.

  6. Happy Birthday, Stuart! Loved you in QUEEN OF THE DAMNED.


  7. Happy birthday Stuart! Hope you have many more.

  8. COLLEEN said...

    Happy Birthday Stuart! Hope all your dreams and wishes
    come true!

    Colleen Love


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